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VEGAS LEX, Korporativny Yurist magazine organize webinar on construction contracts and disputes

On April 24, 2015,  a VEGAS LEX manager for dispute resolution and conflict settlement, delivered a webinar Construction disputes: Incorporating court practices in contractual work, organized by the Korporativny Yurist magazine.

The webinar covered the following issues:

  • Structuring and qualifying contractual relationships in construction, disputes over existence of contract

  • Contract value and payments procedure (the Supreme Commercial Court position on firm price and advance payment collection, the positions of the Supreme Court and the Supreme Commercial Court on performance payment, the Supreme Commercial Court position on the acceptance of work, the positions of the Supreme Court and the Supreme Commercial Court on the volume of work, and the Supreme Commercial Court position on “guarantee withholdings”)

  • Additional works (when additional works are required, steps to be taken by the contractor (Art. 743 of Civil Code), payment for additional works (Art. 744 of Civil Code))

  • Construction deadlines (contractor liabilities, court practice and general rules, termination of contract by the client, the consequences of unjustified termination of the contract, financial settlement after early termination of the contract)

  • Quality of work (terms and conditions for making quality claims, quality disputes, ways to defend client rights)

  • Penalty (grounds for claiming penalty, size of penalty, penalty for breaking non-monetary obligations)

The webinar was attended by over 200 online participants who left a large number of positive reviews, some of them listed below:


Thank you very much for the interesting talk. It was the first lecture I listened to “in one breath” from beginning to end. I wish there were more of such professionals with knowledge even beyond their field of expertise and who are capable of delivering the information to others.

An excellent seminar – well-structured and thorough.


Thanks to Nikolay for high-quality slides and the commentary, and to the organizers for the work they’ve done and for inviting a competent speaker. A perfectly organized webinar.

Thank you very much for the seminar. It covered a very important issue and was delivered in a very audience-friendly language.


For more information on VEGAS LEX’s services in the field of property, construction and land relations please go here.

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