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Webinar of VEGAS LEX and Pravo.ru: anticompetitive agreements and practice of their revealing and proving

On 4 December 2017, Ksenia Podguzova, Yulia Polyakova and Anastasia Cheredova, the associates at VEGAS LEX Commercial group, held a webinar on the topic “Anticompetitive agreements”.

At the webinar, the associates considered the main types of prohibited anticompetitive agreements and the matters of their distinction and proper qualification. They paid special attention to the matters of proving the existence of cartels, permissible provisions and prohibited practices when concluding vertical agreements, and trends of law enforcement practice in respect of prohibited agreements with public authorities. The experts advised the members of the webinar of the best practices of behavior and of the internal and external communications of company employees with antimonopoly authorities, and highlighted the key aspects of cooperation with the FAS Russia’s officials in order to minimize the risks of violation of legislation.

To see the video content of the webinar, please click here.


For more information on VEGAS LEX’s services in antimonopoly regulation, please click here.

For more detailed information on VEGAS LEX’s activities in commercial law, please click here.

For more information on VEGAS LEX’s activities in dispute resolution, please click here. 

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