About the Firm Board of Partners Alexander Sitnikov

Александр Ситников

Alexander Sitnikov

Managing partner




+7(495) 933-08-00

Recommended by:

  • Chambers Europe 2009 – 2021
  • The Legal 500 EMEA 2011 – 2021
  • Best Lawyers 2018 – 2022
  • Kommersant 2020-2024
  • Pravo-300 2019-2023
  • Russian newspaper 2023
  • European Legal Experts 2013 

Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia – Honorary Certificate for contribution to development of competition and antitrust legislation in 2012

Winner of the National Award "Director of the Year" in the nomination Professional Director of state-owned companies 2019


  • Legal support in integrated investment projects, including raising finance and deal structuring, risk management
  • Consulting on antitrust regulation, including consulting natural monopoly holders
  • Complex conflicts settlement and corporate protection
  • Participation in court proceedings in the highest instances
  • Legal advice on investment, construction and regulatory projects in the energy industry
  • Representing the interests of state companies in the board of directors and state authorities as an independent director
  • Drawing up and implementation of programs for development of statutory and legal regulation


  • University of Oxford, UK, Executive MBA
  • Russian Presidential Academy of Public Service, specialized in Law (with honors)
  • Higher School of Financial Management of the National Economic Academy of the Russian Government, MBA Degree
  • INSEAD Business School, Advanced Negotiation Skills
  • Volgograd State University, specialized in Finance and Credit (with honors)

Professional experience

Practical legal work experience – since 1997

  • 2000–present – VEGAS LEX law firm, managing partner
  • 2008–present – National Register of Independent Directors under the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, member
  • 2018–2019 – Vnukovo International Airport, member of the board of directors
  • 2012–2018 – UGORIA Insurance Company, member of the board of directors
  • 2016–2018 – Settlement Depository Company CJSC, member of the board of directors
  • 2011–2012 – Tyumen Pharmaceutical Plant, chairman of the board of directors
  • 2011–2012 – Astrakhan Airport, member of the board of directors
  • 2011–2012 – Astrakhan Pharmaceutical Plant, chairman of the board of directors 


  • English

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